Video: UNDP's Small Grants Program for Enviromental Community Projects in Developing Countries [Spanish]

Duration: 15 min 49 sec

La mayoría de los proyectos financiados a través del GEF SGP apuntan al fortalecimiento de las organizaciones de la sociedad civil en temas ambientales y articulan con instituciones publicas locales, departamentales y nacionales. Este video presenta algunas de las experiencias que se están desarrollando en Uruguay y que constituyen ejemplos de buenas prácticas e innovaciones a nivel local de la gestión ambiental.

Translation [via the ever-improving Google Translate]
Most projects funded through the GEF SGP are aimed at strengthening te civil society organizations on environmental issues linked to local, departmental and national public institutions. This video presents some of the experiences that are taking place in Uruguay that serve as examples of best practices and innovation for environmental management at the local level.

At 4 min 3 sec in the video, there is an example of a 13 meter long polytube biodigester on a small diary farm in Uruguay. The farming family has been able to substantially reduce the fuel costs associated with their operation, decrease their consumption of chemical fertilizers, decrease pollution around the milking stalls AND cut their green house gas emissions.

Note: The money that Comunidad Nueva Alianza used to hire XelaTeco for their first micro-hydroelectric contract came through the Small Grants Program.

Launched in 1992, SGP supports activities of non-governmental and community-based organizations in developing countries towards climate change abatement, conservation of biodiversity, protection of international waters, reduction of the impact of persistent organic pollutants and and prevention of land degradation while generating sustainable livelihoods.

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