Webcast: Hacking hybrids to convert them into plug-in cars

This is not entirely appropriate technology, but seems topical nonetheless. I got this email from the Economist the other day


Dear Economist.com reader,

Economist.com invites you to attend an editorial event on
Tuesday, June 27th at 9 a.m. PST/12:00 p.m. EST, featuring Economist Technology Quarterly Editor, Tom Standage, as he discusses critical developments in the field of automobile hybridisation.

By attending this webcast, you can learn how hybrid “hackers” are accessing the control software of hybrid petrol-electric cars such as the Toyota Prius, effectively converting these hybrid cars to plug-in cars capable of traveling longer distances in all-electric mode post-conversion, improving the car’s fuel economy, and reducing greenhouse gas production in the process.

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Jamaica drops import duties on energy saving devices

We’ve decided to add a subsection to the AIDG blog on cool things that are happening with appropriate technology around the world, with a special focus on the developing world.

It seems that many countries, happily many developing countries as well, are becoming increasingly interested in renewable energy and appropriate technology because of possible cost savings. Many are feeling the crush of the high oil prices and are looking for relief. Here is a story coming out of Jamaica.

Gov’t Removes Duty on Energy Saving Devices

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Benny's Move to Xela

Having graduated from Tufts this May, I decided to volunteer full time with AIDG, and to move to Guatemala. Now here I sit, Sunday evening, ready to start my first full week here. Tomorrow, a group from Oregon is coming to construct a biodiesel reactor for the next 2 weeks. Tuesday a large document for the UN is due regarding our 16 kW hydroelectric project at the Communidad Nueva Alianza. Everyone involved in AIDG/Xelateco is incredibly interesting, hardworking, and friendly. I can’t imagine working with a better group, or on more interesting projects. It’s a busy and exciting time for AIDG and Xelateco, and I’m ready to dive in for at least a year. Carpe Diem!

AIDG Blogging Resumed

We took a very long break from blogging this past fall, winter and spring, but we are back for the summer. We will try to update you on what the rest of last year was like and keep you posted on current events.